Python(Flask) Project (Service to upload image to

2 minute read

Imgur REST Image Uploader

SN Stack Technology
1 Language Python
2 Framework Flask
3 Container Docker
4 Orchestrator Docker Compose


Installing Docker and docker-compose

Install docker using the commands

curl -fsSL | sh && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Install docker-compose as

sudo apt-get install -y docker-compose

This is a service to upload images to via its api endpoints. It tasks json object to upload the image ashychronosly. It implements celery queue with Redis to perform the ashynchronity of the tasks.

First of all, register an app in imgur and get a Client-ID and add the id to celery-queue/

Client_ID = 'XXXXXXXX'

celery = Celery('tasks', broker=CELERY_BROKER_URL,



git clone

Build & Launch

cd imgur-image-uploader-service
docker-compose  up --build

This will expose the Flask application’s endpoints on port 8080 as well as a Flower server for monitoring workers on port 5555

To add more workers:

docker-compose up -d --scale worker=5 --no-recreate

Rest API Image upload endpoints

Submit image URLs for upload

Submits a request to upload a set of image URLs to Imgur. The images will be uploaded to the configured Imgur, viewable by anyone with the link. Request

POST /v1/images/upload

The request is just a JSON body, no query parameters. Request body Attributes:

  • urls: An array of URLs to images that will be uploaded. Duplicates should be stripped out.

Example request body:

"urls": [

Response On success, returns immediately with an appropriate status code with the id of the job.

Response body Attributes:

  • jobId: The id of the upload job that was just submitted.

Example response body:

"jobId": "55355b7c-9b86-4a1a-b32e-6cdd6db07183",

Gets the status of an upload images job.


GET /v1/images/upload/:jobId

The request has no body and no query parameters. :jobId is an ID returned from the POST upload images API.

Request body: None

Response On success, returns immediately with an appropriate status code with the id of the job.

Response body Attributes:

  • id: The id of the upload job.
  • created: When job was created. In ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) for GMT.
  • finished: When job was completed. In same format as created. Is null, if status is not complete.
  • status: The status of the entire upload job. Is one of:
  • pending: indicates job has not started processing.
  • in-progress: job has started processing.
  • complete: job is complete.
  • uploaded: An object of arrays containing the set of URLs submitted, in several arrays indicating the status of that image URL upload (pending, complete, failed).

Example response body:

  "created": "2019-04-22T03:00:49.447098",
  "finished": null,
  "id": "470f0516-b31f-4d14-8f87-77a5282bfe2f",
  "status": "in-progres",
  "uploaded": {
    "completed": [
    "failed": [
    "pending": ""

Gets the links of all images uploaded to Imgur. These links will be accessible by anyone. Request

GET /v1/images

The request has no body and no query parameters. Request bodyNone Response On success, return an array of the Imgur links to the successfully uploaded images. Response body Attributes:

  • uploaded: An array of the Imgur links to the uploaded images. Example response body:
    "uploaded": [

To shut down:

docker-compose down

To change the endpoints, update the code in api/


  • There is some issue in updation of the completed list which can be fixed using external datastore.
  • Add production mode